Yesterday as I was sitting in traffic (Washingtonians can relate), I realized that the traffic was caused by one of many protests against the retail giant Walmart. I decided to wind the window down to hear the protesters' chants. Entertaining or not, their message was one I'd heard before. Walmart's newest store is embattled in the never-ending "living wage" debate. Arguably, large retailers watch their bottom line by paying their employees minimum and sometimes below minimum wage. Seems fiscally responsible, but does the retailer's presence REALLY help the surrounding community? If you're not making enough money to survive, are you making any progress? B Smart!!
About Me
- Bossie LLC
- Alexandria, VA
- Welcome to B-Smart! If you're wondering what it means to B-Smart...well, that's TOTALLY up to you! No matter what area of your life you'd like to "streamline", there's a definite beginning to that process and you need to be smart about it. We'll be discussing the process (as it relates to career advancement) here. Rosemarie Davis, President and Founder of Bossie, LLC sought to create a support network for employees seeking advancement whether in their current position or elsewhere. Upon realizing that there were few options for honest discourse within the workplace environment where employees could gain useful advice, Rosemarie decided to create those opportunities outside of the workplace environment. Bossie, LLC gives employees simple, common sense solutions to complex issues in the workplace. We are passionate about taking on daily challenges that employees face.